
вторник, 14 октомври 2014 г.

Ice cream, chips and funny talks

My dear Oli, 

I'm sending you some pictures from today's walk with my ex-colleagues from the university. We bought ice cream, chips and beer and we talked a lot. I feel so refreshed even though I ate the whole chips pack, hahaha! 

Good night from me, my dear!



събота, 11 октомври 2014 г.


Dear Oli, 

So many days have passed and there's a lot to tell!!!

Thank you for the awesome letter and the funny photos! It seems that you had a splendid weekend, hehe! 

It will be nice to see those awesome jeans you bought; hopefully you have already gone to some interesting parties wearing them. ;)

Well, the wedding! I totally forgot to tell you about the colour of the dress! It's a short mocha beige dress with short sleeves and a V-neck (or decolletage as I checked, I think it's the same word in French). I will post some pictures after a couple of weeks. The newlyweds will send me the so-called "official wedding photos" after they go back from their honeymoon which will be in Sicily. Actually, today is their first day of the trip. I wish them a lot of sun and lovely time there!

So, back to the main topic, the wedding was absolutely amazing! I am not accustomed to such events that flaunt with promises of true love, but I can say that I was really impressed by the purity and adoration that filled the eyes of the young couple. I think that nowadays it's really rare to see such bright examples of powerful and at the same time quiet kind of love. Or maybe I just don't spend much time around people in love, haha!

It was a simple, yet sophisticated event with around 60 of their close friends and relatives. I felt really honoured to be there and also wanted to somehow scream of happiness and share my thoughts to the world at that moment... But then I thought that I don't need everyone to know where I was and what I was doing at the exact same moment. 
I don't know if this is a side effect of my "Facebook diet" or just my grown up mind that tells me to enjoy the moment and not to waste those precious minutes only to brag about it in the social media. I was never a good sharer of things on Facebook but the fact that I always checked for news and new messages makes me an addict somehow... Anyway, I hope that I won't have to go back there at least until the beginning of November.

Job news! I went to an interview on Monday and yesterday they called me back! On Monday the 13th I will go to the HR department to see what documents I will need. It's a company that produces agricultural machinery and that sorts of things-something not in my field of interests, but the conditions are very good. I'm sick of being unemployed because it actually drives me crazy to have a lot of free time. Having so much free time is the worst thing that can happen to a young person with a lot of dreams. It makes them more depressed and not motivated because they actually don't do anything to achieve their goals during those moments. I think (and hope) that this job will give me some knowledge about things I have never dealt with. It will be difficult and challenging at first but you know, (almost) everything can be learned. Anyway, I will continue to look around for other opportunities, you never know what will pop up! ;)

It feels good to write letters to you, I am blessed to have someone so close who can calmly listen (or in our case read) to my stories. Hopefully you feel the same towards me, Oli. :) 

You still have time to decide about the last week of October but I can tell you-think also about the good experience you can have with someone. You may visit a certain place again and again but what matter the most are the people around you and how do they make you feel.
On the other hand, if you have the desire to explore new places, you can suggest this to your Chinese friend and I'm sure both of you can figure something out together. Even if you don't go to Paris now, you can always plan a weekend trip and enjoy a couple of amazing days in the good company of friends. :)

Aah, I see you wrote your letter under the influence of Beyonce and Jay-Z! I love Queen B!
I also enjoyed the song you posted (Oscar and the Wolf- Princes), it's already on my playlist!

My music suggestions are so many, but I will tell you about only three of them.

Right now I'm listening to Akdong Musician's new song. It reminds me of the sunny autumn days, the yellow leaves that fall peacefully on the ground and the walks in the park with friends. I really like AKMU, their innocent and fresh sound can get you out of any depressed state.
My second suggestion is a band I found a couple of days ago. It's called Les Sales, I think that they are also Korean. Their English is quite impressive, at least when we speak about the pronunciation. During autumn I usually listen mostly to such songs (indie-like, I'm not a genre specialist). So this song is really cheerful and it makes me want to go out for a walk, wrapped in a scarf, wearing cosy jeans and my favourite white blouse with black stripes. Yup, indie-ish style, haha!
Last but not least, The Wombats. This song is old, but also good for an autumn adventure in the city. ;)

That's enough for now, I hope that you won't get bored of my long letter! Thank you once again for you fast answer and awesome photos. It seems that you will be in charge for the blog photos for now. 

I'm really looking forward to your answer and am sending my greetings (and also my grandma's best wishes) to you and your family. Thank you once again for being such a wonderful friend with a big soul!

Take care, my dear!


петък, 3 октомври 2014 г.

La 2nde première lettre

Chère amie,

Ca m'a fait vraiment un grand plaisir quand j'ai lu ta petite lettre ( non seulement la petite mais surtout la première) . ENFIN on a commencé le sacré blog xaxa ! Donc le ballon est dans mon camp.

Erasmus ... je n'ai pas encore parlé avec la Responsable des Relations Internationales. Aucune mise à jour sur ce sujet :/

A Brest, il fait beau ( pour ce moment xaxa) ! Incroyable ! Soit je commence à m'habituer au climat, soit c'est juste une exception cette année. Dès le weekend il y aura des orages, de la pluie ...

Quand j'ai dit "weekend", j'ai oublié que ce weekend est ma soirée d'intégration en Argol. J'ai hâte d'y aller. On sera dans une grande gîte, en chambre par 3 personnes ou plus, mais il n'y a pas de couverture et avec A. on va prendre des sacs à couchage. La prochaine fois quand je t'écris, j'ajouterai des photos :)
Quelle coincidence! Le mariage de ton ami est le même jour que ma soirée! Quelle couleur est ta robe?
Aujourd'hui ma (1.10)  belle chinoise nous a proposé d'aller à Paris avec elle et son amie. Elles partent pendant les vacances de Toussaint càd la derniere semaine d'octobre. Mais j'y réfléchis encore... Je préfère d'aller à Rennes ou à Nantes, parce que à Paris j'étais quelques fois. Avant tout tu sais que c'est une question de budget.

Tu te souviens peut etre quand je t'ai dit que ma mere sera a Brest mercredi ? Elle est venue et nous sommes allées en ville avec Al. aussi. J'ai fait du shopping - les JEANS dont j'ai toujours rêvés " Capri low rise fit " !!!

J'espere que tu passera une trés bonne soirée au mariage! J'attends de tes nouvelles avec impatience :)



Je precise que cette lettre est ecrite sous l'inspiration de Beyoncé et Jay - Z. ( J'ai regardé a la TV son concert à Paris :D )

сряда, 1 октомври 2014 г.

Hello, October!

My dear Oli, 

It has been almost a month since we started this blog and we haven't posted anything yet! There are so many things I want to tell you! This is my first letter to you. It won't be perfect, but we have a lot of time to become better at writing and posting here. ;)

I am still searching for my dream job (or a job with a meaning), but it seems that these days there haven't been many opportunities for me in our town. I went to some interviews for the past couple of weeks and the only advantage is that I became much more confident in myself and better at asking questions. It seems that most of the employers here are not used to the practice of being asked questions. I think that this is a huge issue for people my age who want to find a job with a meaning. Anyway, it's a very long topic to talk about and I don't want to spoil your day. I still think that there is hope or at least I have a month to be  picky while searching.

Autumn is finally here and it's... cold. Yeah, there's the sun, but it feels like it's just for decoration. I kinda always find it hard to appreciate the many colours this season offers while struggling to warm myself. 

V.'s wedding! I have a dress, my granny finally finished it! I still can't believe it's October and in three days my best friend will be married. I am very excited, although I still cannot digest the idea that somebody my age is making such a huge step in their life. But still, I know both of them and must say that they are serious young people, who just follow the steps of normal couples. Anywayyy, I wish them all the best and I kind of envy him (but in the good way, of course), because she is gorgeous! My friend V., you are lucky I am not a man, because your girl would be in danger, ha-ha! I am sure that we will have a great time at the wedding on Saturday. I will try to post some photos here, but I don't promise anything, Olli. 

So that's it for now, there are a lot of other things of course, but let's just start it simple. I am really looking for your answer! Last time we spoke you showed me some of the things you bought for Halloween. And what happened with the Erasmus plan, any updates? How is the weather there, is it freaking cold like here? 

I'm waiting for your answer, my dear.
