
сряда, 30 декември 2015 г.

It's almost 2016!

My dear Oli,

New Year's Eve is almost here! This night is the last quiet night of 2015. Oh, what a year!...

During the past few months we didn't write anything here, simply because we were too busy living our lives. Well, maybe working and studying too much do not always count as fruitful living but still we had to make progress in our own ways of development. 

Anyway... 2016 is right at the corner and it is no better time to wish something good to happen, to hope that the New Year will bring us more happiness, more love and more experiences which we have never had.

With all my heart and love that's pouring from it I am wishing you to be the happiest and healthiest young woman in 2016! Let love and inner satisfaction guide you to the path of success you are destined to live!

I will not make promises to write more here, simply because we are not here to take part in a blogging competition. It's just that sometimes our mailbox can be empty for a long time. Hopefully, it means that we are experiencing something good and are too immersed in it to have the time to share it here. Of course we have other ways to keep in contact, but the old-fashioned way of writing letters often remains last in our to-do list for the day. 

I will stop here for now. 

With all my love and respect, I am wishing you to have a magical evening tomorrow! 

Cheers to new adventures and fun! Happy 2016!



неделя, 18 октомври 2015 г.

"See" you soon: updates

Bonjour, ma chérie!

It has been a long time, since we both posted here and it's been more than a year since we started this ... thing, haha! (I won't say "common project", because if it was a project we would be more serious, I'm sure!)

Well, I know that you are very busy and you will be occupied with a lot of university stuff for the next few months. Many things happened and most of them were shared between us on Facebook. Shame! 
Anyway, as long as we don't stop posting our letters here, the tradition will not die! 

Here is a song to cheer you up for the upcoming tests and finals! Good luck to you! I believe in your abilities and with more confidence in yourself, you will succeed! As the Koreans say: "Fighting!".

NB: I will soon post some details from the past several months. Each time I tried to write, I couldn't do it, because of certain things. There are files saved on my PC, but I will edit them and post when I have more time. Anyway, I won't continue with the excuses. I hope that you will be able to continue your story with Chapter 2. :)

Enjoy your Sunday and have a successful week! Kisses!


сряда, 26 август 2015 г.

Ch. 1 La parisienne (ou Les parisiennes xaxa)

Chère amie,

Tout à commencer le 10 juillet, ma petite évasion. A 16h je suis partie de la gare de Brest et la destination PARIS. 
Quelle joie de préparer mes valises! Bien-sûr j'ai pris les vêtements pour l'été, le maillot de bain, deux pairs de lunettes de soleil et c'est parti pour 4h30 de route. Heureusement le temps a passé vite, avec ma mère on s'est bcp parlé, rigolé, chacune de nous avait un livre à lire. Moi j'avais pris le roman que j'ai acheté à Rousse l'été dernier "L'appartement parisien" ( inspiré d'une vraie histoire) de Michelle Gable. Il s'agit d'une estimatrice de meubles anciens qui pars à Paris pour estimer des objets trouvés dans un appartement. Elle trouve bcp d'objets qui datent de la Belle Epoque et elle aussi attirée par le portrait d'une femme accroché sur le mûr. Ensuite elle trouve un journal intime écrit par cette jeune femme. C'est un livre  qui te transporte dans le passé à Paris, écrit avec un style formidable. Tu ne peux pas t'empêcher à imaginer. 
Bref, j'ai lu un peu dans le train. 

A 22h30 nous sommes arrivées à la Gare Montparnasse mais pour ne pas perdre du temps on s'est dirigé vers le RER. La famille YOYO habite à Massy, Essonne dans la zone 4 (donc environ 40min en train). A l'arrivée mes cousines m'attendaient, encore debout à 00h30 xaxa. Elles étaient tellement excitées. 
Anne, 12 ans, qui est toujours sur le portable de sa mère. lol

Lauren, 5 ans, qui mange ses pâtes avec une cuillère xaxa 
Quelles manières! 

Photos de notre premier weekend :) Nous ne sommes pas sorties parce qu'on devait faire les courses, le ménage. 
(Tout le monde sur les portables)

Moi j'étais sur l'autre canapé avec Lauren, on se faisait la CHALEUR (comme dit sa mère) càd elle aime faire des câlins et sa mère dit "chaleur" parce qu'avec ses câlins elle te fait chaus xaxa. Mais moi j'adore ! Elle est comme un petit chat :D . 

La première sortie à Paris
"Où on va?" - m'a demandé ma mère avant de partir.
"Notre Dame!" c'était ma réponse.

Le temps n'était pas top ce jour-là .. :/

Saint Jean-Paul II 

 Le jardin de Notre Dame

P.S: Photos prises une autre jour parce que moi et ma mère on était souvent dans ce quartier haha 


Le ciel toujours gris .. Mais elle est belle, non ? Avec les statues en or oulala 
Tu sais que la copine de ma mère qui était venue à Roussé, Jacqueline a dit que notre opéra à Rousse la trouve plus belle que celle de Paris !!! :D Chacun son goût ;) 

Parc de Sceaux 

Première sortie dans le parc de Sceaux et pas seulement pour moi mais pour ma tente aussi. Elle a dit "Je passe chaque jour par ici (car le RER s'arrête à la station "Parc de Sceaux pas loin de chez nous) et je n'y suis jamais venue ". 
J'ai passé le portail et j'ai dit "Woow! Qu'est ce que c'est que ça??!! C'est énorme!". Ça te donne envie d'aller courir, faire du vélo ou simplement se promener. C'est joli! Malheureusement il y avait du soleil à la fin de notre promenade ( mais ne t’inquiète pas j'ai encore des photos xaxa)
Ce parc est énorme, ça fait 181 hectares , tu imagines ?? Il se trouve dans la commune de Sceaux et d'Antony, les communes des riches parisiens haha. 
Sur ma première photo au fond se trouve le Pavillon de Hanovre (je pensais que c'était un château lol). Il existe un château, le château de Sceaux que je ne l'ai pas vu :/ 

 Regarde comment sont taillés les arbres !!! Et ce sont les mêmes arbres qu'on a dans le parc à Roussé, mais il n'y personne qui peut faire ça.... comme ils disent "Nous n'avons pas d'argent" :(

Les cousines haha

 Le clown Lauren :D (je lui ai dit "Soit belle"                                                              mais elle voulait faire ses grimaces haha )

C'était quand même fatigante cette promenade! Mais ça ma fait plaisir. Un jour si tu viens à Paris, nous irons au Parc de Sceaux, on va se faire un pique-nique. :)  

A bientôt ( à chapitre 2 xaxa)

La parisienne 


J'avais des choses à ajouter dans la dernière lettres mais je n'ai pas pu ... Peut-être c'est à cause de toutes les photos que j'avais mises lol. Voilà pourquoi j' n'ai pas écrit "Chère amie " xaxa

Bref,  à la fin de moi de juin après le départ de mes amis , je suis rentrée chez mes parents.
Nous n'aimons pas rester à la maison les weekends donc ça veut dire VOYAGE.


Hôtel de ville

Place de la République 

Une cathédrale dont  le nom je ne me souviens plus :/ 

Et moi 

P.S : Je n'aime pas mes cheveux sur cette photo mais ... pour toi je l'ai mise mdr 

Je n'ai qu'une seule photo spontanée xaxa

Et le mois de juin a fini avec quelques soirée. L'une des deux était chez moi avec les amis et ce qui m'a surpris c'était qu'on n'a pas écouté de la musique sur mon ordi mais à la télé. Pour la première fois on a plus parler que danser . BIZARRE :D
Eve est venue avec ses copines Léna et Mélanie, Mélanie avait acheté les fameux tatouages temporaires métallisés qui sont très tendance cet été : tatouage , utilisé comme bracelet ou bague. :)

 A la fin de la soirée je me suis routrouvée avec les BOYS :D

La deuxième soirée c'était "Entre filles" au bar Dublinners. L'ambiance était énorme! Il y avait tellement du monde, j'ai fait des vidéos de mes copines qui sont allées dansé à une chanson bretonne, la danse celtique quoi !! :D

Moi et Eve

Moi et Mélanie ( Merci à Eve qui a délicatement mis son doigts sur la camera xaxaxa)

петък, 7 август 2015 г.

Ch.1 Au revoir .. Juin

Chère amie,

J'ai déjà oublié ce que j'ai fait le mois de juin xaxa mais grâce à mes photos.. je peux me rappeler.
D'abord je te raconte ma dernière soirée en mois de mai ! Comme tu sais déjà moi et mes amis, nous tous avons validé l'année 2015/2016. Licence 2 dans la poche!
Pour fêter cette occasion, notre copine Kawtar a organisé une petite soirée chez elle. Elle habite avec son copain en ville juste à côté de Château de Brest (que je n'ai pas encore visité.. quelle honte!). Elle avait invité moi, Alex, Romain, Vincent, Abou, Arnaud et Eve avec ses copines. On s'est bien amusé, parlé. La musique que le copain de Kawtar avait sur son playlist étaait pas mal. Elle avait aussi acheté des petits gâteaux apéritifs mais moi je n'ai pas trop aimé mdr et donc j'ai mangé presque tous les tomate cerise :D. LA GOURMANDE !
                                                                  Photo prise par Abou, posté par lui sur Instagram xaxa
Voilà moi qui est en train de parler et boire xaxa, Alex qui discute avec Arnaud et Geoffrey.
A cette soirée Eve et ses copines m'ont dit que je ressemblait à Rihanna ! :D Et surtout à cause de mon look ce soir, j'ai mis mon jeans déchiré (ou tout simplement avec des trous), un débardeur sur lequel c'était marqué "J'aime les mauvais garçons" mdr... en dessus ma veste en cuir, comme accessoires j'ai mis une chaîne argenté (ASOS) et mes boucles d'oreilles.
Après la soirée( le 30 mai), personne n'avait bcp de souvenirs hahaha...

Pour tout le monde juin c'est le début des vacances mes pour moi c'était le mois de "Au revoir". Presque tout mes amis sont partis de Brest pour aller en Ecosse, Bulgarie, Chine, Marocco etc.
Le premier c'était mon cousin.                                                                         
Je suis partie à Lopérec après demain parce que mon cousin était chez mes parents. Pendant la semaine que j'ai passé là bas, lui il a reçu une offre de travailler en Ecosse donc il devait préparer vite ses affaires. Avec ma mère et lui, on était allé au Décathlon pour lui acheter une veste imperméable parce que tu sais Ecosse, la pluie etc. Nous avons acheté quelques blouses bien chaude et jogging.
Avant son départ on s'est fait un barbecue. J'ai acheté des saumons et du poulet.

La deuxième .. Alexandra

Elle est partie le 12 juin et donc je suis rentrée quelques jours avant son départ. Pour cette raison, elle a décidé de nous rassembler tous au bar HAVANA, notre préféré xaxa. Swann était invitée aussi mais elle travaillait le même jour donc c'était prévu qu'elle sera en retard. Un grand retard... tellement grand qu'on l'a même pas vue mdr. Elle a pensé qu'on va faire une grosse soirée, accompagnée par une disco après mais non... :/ Bref
Au Havana, bien-sûr je suis celle sans un pantalon a droite Romain, Alex ( les paillettes sur les bottes xaxa), et Sissi ( classique, bottes noires, avec n petit talon)

Alex est partie très tôt le matin à 4h et elle m'avait réveillée pour me dire au revoir, imagine dans quel état j'étais mdr. Avec les yeux collées xaxa j'ai entendu la porte se fermer et le bruit des roues de ses valises hah . Elle était accompagnée par son amoureux <3.
Le lendemain c'était Kawtar qui est partie à Paris, chez sa sœur et après direction Maroc!

La troisième .. Sissi

Moi, Sissi et sa copine Qinshi, nous sommes allées au Havana encore.. haha. Cette fois nous avons profité de la terrasse, il faisait beau et il y avait du soleil.
Aussi avons-nous mangé des tapas.
Le verre c'est moi et c'est du Monaco (bière + sirop). Les petites boules c'est du fromage pimenté, après du poulet au sésame et aux graines de citrouille. Ensuite des pomme de terre frits avec la peau (dit en bulgare Селски картофим с кожичката хаха миям) et d'oignon que j'ai pas mangé.

Nous les deux dans un nouveau salon de coiffure et café, en attendant Qinshi qui voulais prendre un rendez-vous. 

Au revoir les amis et a bientôt !!!
Au revoir Juin et à l'année prochaine xaxa!

Au revoir chérie,


Chère Rali,

Le temps passe vite ...
Tu m'as raconté tellement de choses !!!

Dans mon introduction, j'ai décidé de répondre aux tes derniers post ensuite je te raconterai mes aventures que j'ai eu pendant ces derniers mois.

Ta cousine est adorable et mignonne ( et aussi... le plus important elle est TAUREAU muhahaha) Par contre, comme je vois que au dessus de son gâteau d'anniversaire  il n'y a pas des princesses mais The Cars... les stéréotypes cassés haha !
Elle veut être grande comme sa KAKA :D J'espère qu'un jour je la rencontrerai xaxa. 
Aucun commentaire en ce qui concerne le KOZUNAK... J'ai faim :/ Heureusement que je suis rentrée pendant les vacances de Pâques mdr, comme ça j'en ai pu profiter manger. 

Félicitations à Sisi pour sa première arrivée sur scène :)
C'est la fin de ta carrière artistique!!! Ce n'est pas si dramatique .. haha mais c'est rigolo et c'est vrai MDR. Tu es super belle sur les photos avec la troupe de théâtre (mais pas seulement sur ces photos lol) Mais avant tout le théâtre c'était une expérience pour toi, une grande aventure et un plaisir aussi. Il ne faut pas regretter ! Il te reste les souvenirs et les amis que tu as rencontrés. 


J'ai aimé dès le début! La partie finale quand ils dansent tous ensemble, je n'ai pas trop aimé. Sinon c'est vraiment un mixte de plusieurs rythmes mais qui est très bien réussi . JE VALIDE xaxa
If you c'est très belle chanson, dommage que je ne comprends rien de ce qu'ils disent :/
View rappelle l'été, la mer, les voyages, les soirées folles. Parfait ! Elle te mène direct à la plage où tu es allongée sous le soleil.

On adore l'été !!! 

P.S Tu utilise encore ton shampoing colorant ?  

Bisous ma belle


събота, 1 август 2015 г.

The end of my love... Goodbye, July!

My dear!

Usually everyone loves posting photos with the caption "Hello, July!" or some sunny picture with a greeting for the upcoming summer season. But as July comes to an end, people would forget about it and move forward to August. It's not the same with me.
For the past 26 summers that I've lived through in my life, July has always been my favourite of the two hottest months of the year. (I love you too, August, but even though you have 31 days, September is always in a hurry and this means autumn... )
Even though sometimes I used to spend my July months doing things I don't like or being in our awful stifling town, I always keep good memories. When I remember about a July night while going to work on a rainy Monday morning, I always have my smile and my stomach is filled with butterflies. The charm of this month cannot be fully explained. I have never had someone to fall in love with during this time of the year and yet I feel like I am falling in love every year on July 1.

But I will stop babbling here and I will use the final minutes of this hot July evening to write about some things that happened in the last couple of weeks. Aah, the crickets are singing and it's a full moon...
NB: Due to the thunderstorm yesterday night I couldn't finish the entry that's why the update comes with a delay. Sorry about that!

As promised, I am posting photos of my nails!


I usually do my nails by myself but every woman needs to spoil herself sometimes, so your idea was great! Thank you once again for the wonderful present!
Speaking of birthdays... I went to Stenly's B-day celebration and this year it went as planned. I remember last year, we had to go during the hottest part of the day and when we finally got the summer garden... it started raining. It was fun though, but this year was even more exciting. Of course, it was the hottest day of the year again, hahaha!

My gift for him ;)

For the last couple of weeks the weather has been extremely hot. I know it is dangerous, but I like it like that. Of course, I am grateful that I have the chance to work and live in good conditions and not to feel the heat every moment. Last month I read in the news about the heat wave in India and Pakistan. So many people have died!....
How is the weather in France? Is it hot like here? I think you would enjoy the weather in Rousse because you like to be in warmer places. ;)
Update: As I said above and for my surprise, there was a huge thunderstorm yesterday night. It is typical after a long period of heat to rain cats and dogs, yet I couldn't believe it at first when I heard the raindrops.

I am preparing my luggage now because we are going to the country! I haven't been to my village since 2011 and it's a very long time! Shortly after I come back, me and my cousin Sisi will go to Varna, so there will be a couple of weeks with no posts. I hope that you will update me with some info about yourself then. ;)

Bonus stuff - music, food, movies and fashion

I tried to make some healthy cookies from honey, sesame tahini and oats, but my oven is not good for baking sweet things. Apart from that they were delicious. Way too crunchy, but delicious!

These yummy cookies were an evening treat when I felt really exhausted. Some raw cocoa with sesame tahini, few slices of banana and Eat Your Kimchi' s funny videos and life gets better!

I know that you are not a huge fan of ratatouille but guess what - my granny decided to make some for me! You should definitely try hers, it's not filled with too much tomato sauce and I think you would enjoy it more than in France, hahaha!

I have a new girl crush - Tomoko! I found her on the cover of Nylon Japan! She is stunning! There is not so much information about her on the Internet (not in English, as far as I know). Gorgeous girl! And I love her hairstyle, even with the fringe. I hate bangs/ fringe. But it suits her. 
(Photos from NYLON JAPAN Facebook page and Google images.)


I don't know if I have mentioned to you before when I was in my anime mania era, but there is an upcoming action film based on the Attack on Titan manga. I watched the anime and I was more impressed by the music and the story plot than the graphics. But still it was very impressive and I have high expectations for the movie. Especially when another of my girl crushes plays one of my favourite characters there. 

Photo source: Eastern Spirit forum
Song: Rise As One. I am not a fan of TVXQ because I am not acquainted with their music. But these days there have been much noise about the members in Korea because they have to do their military service. And it is painful for their poor fans, for sure. Anyway, the two of them released solo songs and I decided to listen to them. I like this one more than the other simply because it doesn't sound like Kpop, I think. It's not your style, but give it a try, it may inspire you. ;)

So, this is from me. I hope to find a letter here when I come back from the whole village experience! Tell me about your new obsessions and discoveries in this world!

So, let me unplug myself and go into the wild for some time.

Always by your side, even when sometimes it doesn't look like this,


неделя, 19 юли 2015 г.

Well, we have Part 4... Summertime, yay!

My dear!
The last post was really long so I decided to split the final paragraphs into another publication, which I hope, will be more interesting for you.
The weather these days have been really hot and I can finally say that it's summer! But let me continue...


Okay, here are my music suggestions for May, June and the beginning of July!

First it's my favourite Korean voice Zion. T! Ahh, I heard this song in the drama we watched with granny but more details about it later! It's a very sweet ballad - Zion. T - Kiss Me .

I don't think that I have mentioned BIGBANG to you before but they are finally back! Not that I am among the others who have waited for them to make a comeback for the last... three years (or something like that), simply because I have known about their existence since last year. But they are already among my favourite groups. (But I DON'T like Fantastic Baby )
I was really impressed by Taeyang's solo album Rise which came out last summer. It's rare for me to like all the songs in an album and I am sure that this applies to you, too. So, basically Taeyang won my heart with his voice (not with the muscles, dear fangirls, I watched the video of Eyes, Nose, Lips  at least two months after I discovered his awesome music). Usually I don't have the time to watch a music video (MV) so if the song pleases me, I put it on my playlist and listen to it... Well, summer 2014 was marked with Taeyang's Rise songs and among them some of G-Dragon's crazy pieces of music. I actually wanted to see the videos after I heard some of GD's songs. This man doesn't know decency, haha! (Of course I mean this in a good way.)

Anyway, this year they are having their moment of spotlight with an album called MADE. Actually the full-length album will be out in September but until then they will release singles from it at the beginning of each month (starting from May), like mini-projects, using the letters from their album (M, A, D, E). So far they have released... five videos and six songs. I like almost all of them but I will recommend only three of them to you. What can I say? Originality at its finest meaning. At least in my opinion. As far as I know, this kind of promotions hasn't been done in the western show business. Several months of concerts, new songs and enough presence under the spotlight. Their fans must be thrilled! Take notes from South Korea, people! 
So, starting from M: Loser. "Loser" is a song that you want to listen to while walking under the cool rain, so typical for the beginning of May. There is this sweet, almost childlike tune which you hear while listening to the song. Their voices combine perfectly during the chorus and everything escalates smoothly in Taeyang's part. Not to mention that the lyrics contribute perfectly to the pain that wants to be sung. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I really hope that you will like it!

The next song is BANG BANG BANG. It's literally a crazy three-in-one kind of a song. At first you feel the fast and juicy dance rhythm while Taeyang, T. O. P. and Seungri are singing and then G -Dragon comes and... "spoils" everything with a dramatic turn - BANG x3. 
After the initial shock you begin to like the song during the second part, even though (if you have the chance to watch it) at this moment GD is holding a woman with a chain (like a dog). Imagine my shock, when I decided to see what's going on during this part (because I really enjoyed listening to it) and end up seeing this... Red pants and glitter. Ouch! 
And finally, let's not forget the final mad part where they are all dancing. If you have already not jumping around screaming, I am not sure what can make you do so. The song is hilariously good! (BANYA, BANYA, BANYA!*) And its pure complexity cannot bore you. Pure, because you hear clear sounds. Complex, because, you listen to a deliciously made mixture of three songs. Nice job!
(*Banya= баня - bathroom in Bulgarian)

Third song: If You. Ahhh, such a beautiful song! Masterpiece! You have this feeling that their voices pour from the deepest corners of their souls.
I finally understood why they didn't make a MV for it (after checking on Wikipedia, out of curiosity) - they wanted their listeners to focus on the music and lyrics, not the video. Smart. And necessary, after all those crazy videos, haha!

The other three songs from MADE project I didn't mention are also good, but I think I needed more time to get used to them. I still need some time for Sober actually, but Bae Bae and We Like to Party are already on my playlist. If you like the songs I already recommended, you can check these, too. Especially Bae Bae, it is closer to your preferences. But don't expect a good MV. ;)

View from SHINee is like the perfect song for a summer road trip. Fresh and youthful, it can even be your autumn song reminding you of some of the best nights from this summer. Sadly, it's one of the few songs I enjoyed from their new album Odd. The vibes which I get from the album are really mixed. Not bad, but I get this feeling that it's made from leftovers which couldn't make it in the albums from the Misconceptions Era. Well, you can't expect them to be always the same. But still I really dislike that SMEnt. tries to apply the same pinky concept to almost all their artists. Girl groups like Red Velvet and SNSD are okay, but SHINee... weeeeell, not so much. (Although Minho's eyes are really cool!) Anyway, I am really happy that they are back. They looked really relaxed and had fun promoting. It's good that their company didn't put so much pressure on them during these promotions.

On the other hand, Love Me Right (K's version and M's versionwas like a second EXO comeback for this year. In "comeback" I mean hard and tiring promotions which exhaust the singers completely. The song comes from the repackage Exodus album, called Love Me Right. Hmmm.
I just can't understand the whole point of repackaged albums, especially when they are released almost exactly after the original ones. For me it is a way for the company to earn more money using 2-3 new songs (+ some new photos) from the blinded fangirls who are ready to go bankrupt just to buy everything connected to their favorite band.
Anyway, the song is likeable. I think I prefer the Chinese version, because Yixing's voice can be heard in many parts and it is amazing. SMEnt., please let that boy sing more! It's a kind of Western-style type of music and maybe that distinguishes it from Call Me Baby which smells like Kpop. They say that "Call Me Baby" had to be sexier, while "Love Me Right" has more happier feeling, but I think it is the opposite. The MV is awful and not appropriate for people who suffer from epilepsy, though. I think they tried to mix and stuff several concepts in a 4-minute video which turned like a mess (thank you, Tumblr users for the separated GIFs of the MV!).

Movies and dramas

As I mentioned above, I started watching an interesting drama, called Pinocchio. I must say that this is the most dynamic Kdrama I have ever watched. Even "Gap Gong" had some of those boring filling moments. But this one is different. A lot of drama at the beginning, but after that you are thrown into the hectic life of reporters who strive to catch the news and present it in the best possible way. Themes like being honest and responsible for watch you say are implied deeply in these series, but at one point you begin to wonder which way is the better - to lie or tell the truth?... I highly recommend this drama to you, you won't be disapointed! 

Fashion and other stuff

Recently I happened upon some interesting fashion blogs. Style Scrapbook is my favorite of them all. Song of Style, Le Happy and Fashionsquad are the others. Check those stylish ladies, they are gorgeous!

I am posting two photos from Urban Outfitters' facebook page. Beige sandals and black shoes - what more do you need?


Next week I will show you photos of my manicure which I made with the gift you gave me back in April! I hope that you will have some time to answer me. I know that you are in Paris now so make some photos for me, girllll! Haha!
Enjoy your summertime, darling! Kisses!


неделя, 12 юли 2015 г.

Long time no see - Part 3

June & July

My dear!

It has been a week but I still remember my promise to write to you! I decided to combine the info about June and also about the first days of July in this post, because there are some updates. 

I'm starting with a summary of my June's activities. A lot of things happened in my otherwise boring life. (I must not speak in that way though...)

Little Dessy's visit

My aunt and little cousin came to stay with us in Rousse! It was at the height of the theatre season - our premiere was coming soon and we also had the chance to watch Deska's elder sister participating in a juvenile musical show! It was awesome! Sisi had the role of a judge in something like a TV talent show (including the funny advertisements). This is her first role and I think she is really happy to be  in a group of young and talented people.

I couldn't see the little one every day due to the many rehearsals but thankfully my aunt decided to stay for more than a week so I had my chance to play with her.

Ninja Princess

Big ice cream doesn't scare me

New summer hat!

The big dragon and the little dragon
Teaching her how to do the <3

Eating some rice spaghetti


Minions?! Again?!!!

Theatre '15

I am not going to repeat the things I wrote from the last post. Simply said, even though this year wasn't the best for our group, I think we had our good moments and we did a great job.

We also went to Vratsa and took part in the International Youth Theatre Festival Vreme. It's held every two years, so I have been to 3 of its editions - in 2011, 2013 and 2015. The audience there is always responsive and energetic. It's a one of a kind theatre experience.


Some things never change

On the way back to Ruse we decided to go on a little road trip. We visited Saeva dupka cave, the Pleven Panorama and the "Blue Ostriches" Farm, located near the cave.


So maybe these are the most important things that happened. After Vratsa there was this period of three weeks in which we usually had one or two performances per week or we had none. The feeling is really strange - we usually have almost all the planned performances for about three weeks and that's it. Now we had to comply with the schedule of Kaneff Centre which makes it a little harder to be in the best shape every time. After all, we are an amateur theatre group and this is not our full-time job. But it was fun, especially during the last performance in July because a lot of us had forgotten some of the words and we had to improvise. We made a lot of photos backstage during the play and I am pretty sure the audience could see the flash from the camera, haha!

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Although I already began writing about events from July I will post a photo of Evgeny's visit to Ruse at the end of June. Actually you can see my freshly coloured hair by using a shampoo. Not so red but definitely an interesting colour.

See? Argh, I think my sunglasses look more reddish than my hair...


This publication turned out to be very... picturesque. Actually, there are more photos prepared and the situation is already getting heavy. Not to mention my inability of positioning the photos at the right place, ugh. Anyway, I will try to be simple as possible. 
I still can't fully realize that we had our last performance six days ago. My colleague from work gave me flowers which I redecorated, because the cellophane ornaments were stealing the beauty of the flowers. Maybe it is not so important but considering the boredom at work sometimes, making some artsy things always bring fresh feeling into my soul.

If you know the name of this beautiful flower, please tell it to me!
And with that I am ending my publication here, because it is too long and heavy now. In my next post I will write my music and fashion inspirations for the summer months. I hope that all these things won't bore you.

Thank you for your patience!!!

Take care, my dear and good night from me!

