My dear!
The last post was really long so I decided to split the final paragraphs into another publication, which I hope, will be more interesting for you.
The weather these days have been really hot and I can finally say that it's summer! But let me continue...
The weather these days have been really hot and I can finally say that it's summer! But let me continue...
Okay, here are my music suggestions for May, June and the beginning of July!
First it's my favourite Korean voice Zion. T! Ahh, I heard this song in the drama we watched with granny but more details about it later! It's a very sweet ballad - Zion. T - Kiss Me .
I don't think that I have mentioned BIGBANG to you before but they are finally back! Not that I am among the others who have waited for them to make a comeback for the last... three years (or something like that), simply because I have known about their existence since last year. But they are already among my favourite groups. (But I DON'T like Fantastic Baby )
I was really impressed by Taeyang's solo album Rise which came out last summer. It's rare for me to like all the songs in an album and I am sure that this applies to you, too. So, basically Taeyang won my heart with his voice (not with the muscles, dear fangirls, I watched the video of Eyes, Nose, Lips at least two months after I discovered his awesome music). Usually I don't have the time to watch a music video (MV) so if the song pleases me, I put it on my playlist and listen to it... Well, summer 2014 was marked with Taeyang's Rise songs and among them some of G-Dragon's crazy pieces of music. I actually wanted to see the videos after I heard some of GD's songs. This man doesn't know decency, haha! (Of course I mean this in a good way.)
Anyway, this year they are having their moment of spotlight with an album called MADE. Actually the full-length album will be out in September but until then they will release singles from it at the beginning of each month (starting from May), like mini-projects, using the letters from their album (M, A, D, E). So far they have released... five videos and six songs. I like almost all of them but I will recommend only three of them to you. What can I say? Originality at its finest meaning. At least in my opinion. As far as I know, this kind of promotions hasn't been done in the western show business. Several months of concerts, new songs and enough presence under the spotlight. Their fans must be thrilled! Take notes from South Korea, people!
So, starting from M: Loser. "Loser" is a song that you want to listen to while walking under the cool rain, so typical for the beginning of May. There is this sweet, almost childlike tune which you hear while listening to the song. Their voices combine perfectly during the chorus and everything escalates smoothly in Taeyang's part. Not to mention that the lyrics contribute perfectly to the pain that wants to be sung. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I really hope that you will like it!
The next song is BANG BANG BANG. It's literally a crazy three-in-one kind of a song. At first you feel the fast and juicy dance rhythm while Taeyang, T. O. P. and Seungri are singing and then G -Dragon comes and... "spoils" everything with a dramatic turn - BANG x3.
After the initial shock you begin to like the song during the second part, even though (if you have the chance to watch it) at this moment GD is holding a woman with a chain (like a dog). Imagine my shock, when I decided to see what's going on during this part (because I really enjoyed listening to it) and end up seeing this... Red pants and glitter. Ouch!
And finally, let's not forget the final mad part where they are all dancing. If you have already not jumping around screaming, I am not sure what can make you do so. The song is hilariously good! (BANYA, BANYA, BANYA!*) And its pure complexity cannot bore you. Pure, because you hear clear sounds. Complex, because, you listen to a deliciously made mixture of three songs. Nice job!
(*Banya= баня - bathroom in Bulgarian)
Third song: If You. Ahhh, such a beautiful song! Masterpiece! You have this feeling that their voices pour from the deepest corners of their souls.
I finally understood why they didn't make a MV for it (after checking on Wikipedia, out of curiosity) - they wanted their listeners to focus on the music and lyrics, not the video. Smart. And necessary, after all those crazy videos, haha!
The other three songs from MADE project I didn't mention are also good, but I think I needed more time to get used to them. I still need some time for Sober actually, but Bae Bae and We Like to Party are already on my playlist. If you like the songs I already recommended, you can check these, too. Especially Bae Bae, it is closer to your preferences. But don't expect a good MV. ;)
View from SHINee is like the perfect song for a summer road trip. Fresh and youthful, it can even be your autumn song reminding you of some of the best nights from this summer. Sadly, it's one of the few songs I enjoyed from their new album Odd. The vibes which I get from the album are really mixed. Not bad, but I get this feeling that it's made from leftovers which couldn't make it in the albums from the Misconceptions Era. Well, you can't expect them to be always the same. But still I really dislike that SMEnt. tries to apply the same pinky concept to almost all their artists. Girl groups like Red Velvet and SNSD are okay, but SHINee... weeeeell, not so much. (Although Minho's eyes are really cool!) Anyway, I am really happy that they are back. They looked really relaxed and had fun promoting. It's good that their company didn't put so much pressure on them during these promotions.
On the other hand, Love Me Right (K's version and M's version) was like a second EXO comeback for this year. In "comeback" I mean hard and tiring promotions which exhaust the singers completely. The song comes from the repackage Exodus album, called Love Me Right. Hmmm.
I just can't understand the whole point of repackaged albums, especially when they are released almost exactly after the original ones. For me it is a way for the company to earn more money using 2-3 new songs (+ some new photos) from the blinded fangirls who are ready to go bankrupt just to buy everything connected to their favorite band.
Anyway, the song is likeable. I think I prefer the Chinese version, because Yixing's voice can be heard in many parts and it is amazing. SMEnt., please let that boy sing more! It's a kind of Western-style type of music and maybe that distinguishes it from Call Me Baby which smells like Kpop. They say that "Call Me Baby" had to be sexier, while "Love Me Right" has more happier feeling, but I think it is the opposite. The MV is awful and not appropriate for people who suffer from epilepsy, though. I think they tried to mix and stuff several concepts in a 4-minute video which turned like a mess (thank you, Tumblr users for the separated GIFs of the MV!).
Movies and dramas
As I mentioned above, I started watching an interesting drama, called Pinocchio. I must say that this is the most dynamic Kdrama I have ever watched. Even "Gap Gong" had some of those boring filling moments. But this one is different. A lot of drama at the beginning, but after that you are thrown into the hectic life of reporters who strive to catch the news and present it in the best possible way. Themes like being honest and responsible for watch you say are implied deeply in these series, but at one point you begin to wonder which way is the better - to lie or tell the truth?... I highly recommend this drama to you, you won't be disapointed!
Fashion and other stuff
Recently I happened upon some interesting fashion blogs. Style Scrapbook is my favorite of them all. Song of Style, Le Happy and Fashionsquad are the others. Check those stylish ladies, they are gorgeous!
I am posting two photos from Urban Outfitters' facebook page. Beige sandals and black shoes - what more do you need?

Next week I will show you photos of my manicure which I made with the gift you gave me back in April! I hope that you will have some time to answer me. I know that you are in Paris now so make some photos for me, girllll! Haha!
Enjoy your summertime, darling! Kisses!
I finally understood why they didn't make a MV for it (after checking on Wikipedia, out of curiosity) - they wanted their listeners to focus on the music and lyrics, not the video. Smart. And necessary, after all those crazy videos, haha!
The other three songs from MADE project I didn't mention are also good, but I think I needed more time to get used to them. I still need some time for Sober actually, but Bae Bae and We Like to Party are already on my playlist. If you like the songs I already recommended, you can check these, too. Especially Bae Bae, it is closer to your preferences. But don't expect a good MV. ;)
View from SHINee is like the perfect song for a summer road trip. Fresh and youthful, it can even be your autumn song reminding you of some of the best nights from this summer. Sadly, it's one of the few songs I enjoyed from their new album Odd. The vibes which I get from the album are really mixed. Not bad, but I get this feeling that it's made from leftovers which couldn't make it in the albums from the Misconceptions Era. Well, you can't expect them to be always the same. But still I really dislike that SMEnt. tries to apply the same pinky concept to almost all their artists. Girl groups like Red Velvet and SNSD are okay, but SHINee... weeeeell, not so much. (Although Minho's eyes are really cool!) Anyway, I am really happy that they are back. They looked really relaxed and had fun promoting. It's good that their company didn't put so much pressure on them during these promotions.
On the other hand, Love Me Right (K's version and M's version) was like a second EXO comeback for this year. In "comeback" I mean hard and tiring promotions which exhaust the singers completely. The song comes from the repackage Exodus album, called Love Me Right. Hmmm.
I just can't understand the whole point of repackaged albums, especially when they are released almost exactly after the original ones. For me it is a way for the company to earn more money using 2-3 new songs (+ some new photos) from the blinded fangirls who are ready to go bankrupt just to buy everything connected to their favorite band.
Anyway, the song is likeable. I think I prefer the Chinese version, because Yixing's voice can be heard in many parts and it is amazing. SMEnt., please let that boy sing more! It's a kind of Western-style type of music and maybe that distinguishes it from Call Me Baby which smells like Kpop. They say that "Call Me Baby" had to be sexier, while "Love Me Right" has more happier feeling, but I think it is the opposite. The MV is awful and not appropriate for people who suffer from epilepsy, though. I think they tried to mix and stuff several concepts in a 4-minute video which turned like a mess (thank you, Tumblr users for the separated GIFs of the MV!).
Movies and dramas
As I mentioned above, I started watching an interesting drama, called Pinocchio. I must say that this is the most dynamic Kdrama I have ever watched. Even "Gap Gong" had some of those boring filling moments. But this one is different. A lot of drama at the beginning, but after that you are thrown into the hectic life of reporters who strive to catch the news and present it in the best possible way. Themes like being honest and responsible for watch you say are implied deeply in these series, but at one point you begin to wonder which way is the better - to lie or tell the truth?... I highly recommend this drama to you, you won't be disapointed!
Fashion and other stuff
Recently I happened upon some interesting fashion blogs. Style Scrapbook is my favorite of them all. Song of Style, Le Happy and Fashionsquad are the others. Check those stylish ladies, they are gorgeous!
I am posting two photos from Urban Outfitters' facebook page. Beige sandals and black shoes - what more do you need?

Next week I will show you photos of my manicure which I made with the gift you gave me back in April! I hope that you will have some time to answer me. I know that you are in Paris now so make some photos for me, girllll! Haha!
Enjoy your summertime, darling! Kisses!