
сряда, 26 октомври 2016 г.

Wednesday Wisdom – 26 October

My dear!

Sorry for being absent for so many days! I had a lot of things to do and couldn’t post regularly. Of course, most of my plans for posts have failed, but…anyway, let’s continue!
Today’s quote is inspired by a recent event that at first may seem like a simple good deed, but it has the potential of being very inspiring.
As you know, my aunt knits hats and has a store on the Etsy site. Recently she had a purchase from a woman that wanted to make a gift for her nephew, who is ill - a girl at the same age as my little cousin. I will not reveal more information, because the topic is very sensitive.
My aunt usually sends little thank-you-cards with a hand-written text in English in a standard form she wanted me to write for her in advance. I remember a couple of weeks ago she called me and told me that she wanted this time the text to be different. After a quick discussion, I wrote some simple lines, intended for the little girl, trying show all the warmth and optimism that my aunt wanted to say to that young and brave soul.
The hat was made and sent and we (I actually) almost forgot about it. But yesterday my aunt received a message from the aunt that said that they received the hat and she and the child’s mother were very touched from the written words.  The reply was really emotional and honest. This, my dear, reminded me of the proverb you will see below:

Picture taken from Pinterest  

Now that I am writing this, it may seem like nothing special, but the excitement and emotions that I felt at that moment were, I think, the magical effect from doing something good. To know that you had even a tiny part in making a person’s life better, this is marvelous!
The power of words is often underestimated, but in moments of doubt, very often they are the bricks that you need when trying to build the path of your own life. Simple words of encouragement were often the most important and magical thing that kept my head above, with eyes focused on the stars. We must not forget the response of the woman who purchased the hat – her words have the same emotional power.
Of course, nothing of this would have happened if it weren’t for my aunt’s talent for knitting and desire to make every hat very special. She is truly the star here. Not the famous photographed person that visits patients in hospitals, but the anonymous ordinary person who sends droplets of love around the world.
            I hope that the little girl will have the strength and will fight the illness. I wish her to grow and become a good person filled with kindness and love.

            With all my hope and optimism for the future,

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