
сряда, 2 ноември 2016 г.

Wednesday Wisdom – 2 November

My dear!
Today is the birthday of one of my cousins! She turns 19 and it feels really bizarre – I never even thought that this time would come! I still remember clearly the day she was born. Life indeed goes fast!
I wanted to write a lot of things about life and opportunities, but I will just use the case and post a quote (by Friedrich Nietzsche) from which I only have a small part in my notebook. It goes like this:
No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life…”
While trying to find a photo that will look more interesting in this post, I found its sequel:
Picture taken from pixteller.com

My dear, after much consideration and a lot of deleted written (and heavy) reflections, I decided to leave it like this – with the positive vibe and feeling of motivation, rather than regret and self-criticism. It is better like this, isn’t it?




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