
четвъртък, 26 януари 2017 г.

La journée spéciale !

Joyeux anniversaire, Рали !

Честит рожден ден, моя приятелко, слушателка, съветничка ... и още мноооооооого хубави неща ! Остани все така щедра и всеотдайна жена. Не се страхувай да рискуваш, просто следвай мечтите си и няма да сгрешиш :). Да не забравяме и пътуванията, дано да успееш да заминеш за Барселона или където и да е заедно с хора и да прекараш едно невероятно приключение. Разбира се вратите ми са винаги отворени за теб ! Желая ти всичко хубаво, здраве (най много настинка, но не и повече, без доктори хаха), бъди щастлива, секси, уверена и независима хаха ! 
Не знам какво друго да добавя, всъщност знам ... но няма да ми стигнат редовете хаха. Надявам се, че си имала един страхотен ден на работа и вкъщи, жалко, че не можах да споделя с теб този ден... но нищо лятото ще наваксаме ! Айде честита нова годинка + още една по корейски хахаха. 

Целувки, ma belle :*

Летни емоции
(сори не можах да направя ефекти на сни;ките хахах)

сряда, 25 януари 2017 г.

Bonne année 2017 !

Bonne année mon amie ! 

Même su je t'ai déjà dut mes voeux, je te le redis encore une fois : Bonne année ! Qu'elle soit melleur que la dernière 2016 ! Reste telle que tu es, ne change pas ! Je te souhaite de la santé, de l'amour, du bonheur dans la famille et qu'on se voit très bientôt (peut être en France ? haha) ! 

Вижте оригиналното изображение
@Jessica Pin

Moi et ma famille, nous avons passés le Noël chez nous, les trois et le menu était le suivant :
Du chapon qui est resté 1 nuit dans une marinade faite de l’eau chaude avec des citrons et des différents épices – herbes de Provence, du thym. Le chapon était accompagné de champignons et de la purée. Malheureusement, je n’ai pas pu beaucoup aider ma mère car je devais travailler pour mes examens. Cette fois, je n’ai pas eu la chance, normalement je finis les examens avant les vacances.
Le Réveillon j’ai aidé ma mère avec l’entrée (qui n’était pas trop compliqué... lol) mais nous avons décidé de faire des verrines au saumon fumé. Je devais découper le saumon à des petits morceaux avec le mixeur. Ensuite j’ai mélangé le saumon avec du mascarpone et de yaourt, j’ai assaisonné avec du poivre noir et du sel. Puis j’ai pris les verrines j’ai fait un canapé de la salade verte et j’ai mis 1 culière de la sauce.
Voici le menu du Réveillon en image :


A Nouvel an, j’étais avec mes amis à Brest. Un repas très convivial avec du vin rouge et du bon bœuf bourguignon haha. Encore une super soirée, nous avons discuté, rigolé et dansé, c'était juste une soirée parfaite ! Je me suis trop amusée.

J'ai encore beaucoup de choses à te dire et surtout des photos à te montrer ! À bientôt :* 

Bisous ma belle

петък, 6 януари 2017 г.

(Snowy) Friday Music Favourites – 6 January 2017

My deaaaar, winter has come!!!
There is a snowy fairy tale outside! We woke up like this today, haha! I am posting some photos from work for you to see.

And it still keeps snowing! We had some trouble with the transport at work (all the loadings were canceled), but the situation is still under control in the city. I hope that the temperatures won’t be too low the next days, brrrrr!
Sooo, today’s music corner is filled with songs that have been on repeat for the last couple of weeks. (No, they are not Christmas songs, haha!)
Before I start posting some of them, let me use the occasion to thank you for the wonderful music you told me about in your last post. Nao’s songs are very fresh to listen to. I especially enjoyed In the morning – it has a comforting vibe that calms your heart, despite the sad lyrics.
Well, today is a day mainly for Bruno Mars! Because of k-pop, there is a lot from Western music that stays behind and even if sometimes I try to catch up with the latest releases, I lack a lot. I heard (and enjoyed) 24K Magic at the Victoria’s secret fashion show. You know this song, you even told me  that it reminds you a lot of Justin Timberlake and Snoop Dogg’s Signs. Anyway, it's good and uplifting, although at first I expected more (maybe it depends on the current mood).
Same goes for Chunky – I love it!!! After hearing these two songs at the VS Fashion Show, I searched for more and among his new songs I found a song that you will definitely enjoy! Let me introduce to you That’s What I Like. Aah, funny and funky, it’s a song just for this bad weather outside! Although the lyrics suggest something else (haha!), the tempo and sound are bright and have a playful vibe. I must confess that I was also impressed by Lady Gaga's performances at the VS Fashion Show, too! She literally overshadowed the angels, such a diva!
There is also another song I wanted to share with you. It’s the cover of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah by Pentatonix. The sound is more serious and I must confess that I have listened it mostly when the situation was not so positive. Still, it is epic and rich in sounds and, of course, lyrics. Not many songs nowadays have this diversity of expression in terms of lyrics.
Well, we cannot enter 2017 without something new to listen to! Just today Ed Sheeran released two new songs after a year of break from music and social media. The trend #WelcomeBackEd has been the number one worldwide trend on Twitter for almost the whole day (beating the other trends usually created by fandoms mostly of Korean artists). The songs were among the world trends, too. I loved Castle On the Hill from the first second, but Shape of You is also good!  Ed just saved the first months of 2017!
Last, but not least – we cannot finish today’s music corner without a Korean addition! Last month Big Bang finally released their full-length album MADE and there are three fresh songs, one of which I am going to post here.
Last Dance is the perfect addition to Loser and If You in terms of music, having the same feeling and ethereal background sound. Beautiful song!
That, my dear, was for today. Till next time! Kisses and hugs! And good luck with your exams!


сряда, 4 януари 2017 г.

Wednesday Wisdom/Blessings – 4 January 2017

My dear! Happy New 2017!
Today is my first day at work and everything is calm and quiet for now. Yesterday we came back from Varna with my cousin, where we spent the New Year’s Eve with auntie and little Dessy. Although they were sick (Dessi had pneumonia, but she was feeling better the time we went) and we celebrated the New Year with home slippers and cardigans, it felt great! There were fireworks we watched them on the balcony and the weather was bearable.
You have a lot of things to do, as I know. Your exams are in the next couple of days and your vacation was filled with a lot of reading and preparation. Although you started your year with some worries, don’t give up and be optimistic – everything will be okay! I wish to and your family lots of health, happiness and success during 2017! And I hope that we will meet again and have great time together! Let’s be happy and healthy during 2017! Fighting! 


2017, I am coming for you, hehe!